Symposium / Siompóisiam

Symposium / Siompóisiam

Symposium / Siompóisiam

The [DE-] / [RE-] GENDERING LANGUAGE STUDIES IN EDUCATION Symposium takes place 6th and 7th June 2024 in the state-of-the-art TSI Building on the North Campus at Maynooth University in room TSI126. This represents a capstone event comprising a series of panels focusing on current thinking around language and gender in Applied Linguistics and Education and perspectives from stakeholders at multiple levels. Central to this event will be a panel spotlighting the emergent findings of the GELS project, and a discussion of potential implications and recommendations.

Registration now open!

Beidh an Chomhdháil um Chomhionannas Inscne sa Léann Teangacha ar siúl 27-28 Márta 2024 i bhFoirgneamh an TSI ar an gCampas Thuaidh, Ollscoil Mhá Nuad. Le linn na comhdhála, beidh sraith painéal ag díriú ar smaointeoireacht reatha ar theanga agus inscne sa Teangeolaíocht Fheidhmeach agus san Oideachas. Léireofar dearcthaí ó gheallsealbhóirí sna hearnálacha iar-bhunoideachais agus ardoideachais; an margadh fostaíochta agus an rialtas. Beidh painéal a thabharfaidh aird ar thorthaí, impleachtaí agus moltaí thionscadal GELS lárnach sa chomhdháil.

Keynote Speaker / Príomhchainteoir


 Prof. Marie-Pierre Moreau
Professor of Education

Faculty of Arts, Humanities, Education and Social Sciences,    Anglia Ruskin University, UK

Marie-Pierre’s research is primarily informed by feminist post-structuralist theories and located at the nexus of education, work and equality issues, with specific reference to gender. A primary focus of her current research is teachers’ identities and careers, with specific reference to gender and feminisation’ of teaching.

Online Access

Session II: GELS Project – Emergent Findings

Join the meeting now

Meeting ID: 326 286 479 583

Passcode: gQkDop

 Session III: Research in converse gender dynamics

Meeting ID: 389 623 948 759

Passcode: D4xjUB

Session IV: Gender in higher education leadership

Meeting ID: 397 076 349 647

Passcode: QG4FoG


Programme / Chlár 

Updated programme

This project is funded by Higher Education Authority of Ireland